Career counselling plays a vital part in an individual’s career, educational and personal aspects. It is inevitable to neglect career guidance since new fields are emerging every day, which paves for confusion to prevail among people. We all know that more than 250 careers and 3000 occupations are available worldwide. But with the upcoming careers every day, the count is increasing, which strives for the need for career counselling. People have started to realise the significance of career counselling, and even schools, colleges and companies are incorporating it into their docket.
What do you mean by career counselling?
Career counselling is a systematic process which helps identify and evaluate an individual’s cognitive ability, personality traits, behavioural aspects, attitude and capacity. Career counselling assists individuals in making illuminated and futuristic career decisions for themselves. It gives you immense knowledge regarding the presence of enormous careers and tips to upskill yourself. More than everything, a career guidance program can help people understand their selves.
Simply put, it is the structure designed to discover people’s true potential and interests and align them with a suitable career option. The components of career counselling are career counsellors, clients, psychometric assessments and action plans. Career counselling benefits students in choosing a stream or a course, graduates in finding jobs, and working professionals in job satisfaction.
Who are career counsellors?
Career counsellors are professionals or experts who have completed their degrees in Psychology or Behavioural Science. They have immense knowledge of the world of careers and other career-related concerns such as mental health awareness, job satisfaction, life, social and personal development skills, etc. Counsellors are psychologists who help people with their mental issues and troubles. They help them come out of their mirage concern and account for their fruitful mental health. Career counsellors are psychologists with expertise in different careers and their related matters.
What about the process of career counselling?
Career Counselling in India’s process flow is psychometric assessments, career assessment reports, individual counselling, action plans, and expert connects.
- Psychometric assessments: Psychometric assessments help analyse an individual’s interests, abilities, values, passion, capacities, and personality. It mirrors their strengths and weaknesses. These tests differ extensively from school and college exams since the scores don’t matter, but the way an individual approaches the question, i.e. his critical thinking and logical skills, counts. The different psychometric tests are interest, aptitude and personality assessments, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, learning styles, career indicator scale, career conflict scale, career decision-making scale, job satisfaction assessments, etc.
- Career assessment reports: The assessment reports mirror the clients’ capacity, interest and personality traits along with their strengths and potential. The review helps self-discover their hidden abilities and skills. These assessments are computer-generated and credible, reliable and authentic.
- Individual career counselling: After receiving the computerised career assessment reports, career counsellors thoroughly read the review to make suggestions accordingly. Some clients do not wish or require to take a psychometric assessment. They sit with the counsellors directly to rant about their issues, hoping to get them solved. During the counselling session, a counsellor will try to have an interactive session with the client to give a comprehensive solution depending on their concern and broadens their overall perspectives.
- Action Plans: After the counselling sessions, career counsellors generate customised action plans to make their clients stay on track and achieve their goals within the structured time. These schedules motivate people and act as a reminder of their success points.
- Expert Connect: Expert connections give vast knowledge about a particular field and encourage the clients to go for it abiding by their choice. For instance, if the client aspires to become a Journalist, counsellors connect him with a Journalist. Talking to a field expert gives wisdom regarding work nature, culture, educational qualifications, entrance exams, employment sector, job profiles, etc.
What does a career counsellor do?
Career counsellor makes their client open up about their career-related concerns and guide them to make suitable choices for themselves. They help them combat their inner conflicts, confusion, doubts and queries and assist them in creating fruitful career paths for themselves. They consistently motivate them to validate their emotions and interests and stress the significance of a career by choice. They communicate and listen to their clients in an empathetic manner and make them feel secure and comfortable. They create a potion of trust and reliability for the clients to share their concerns without hesitation.
A career counsellor possesses active listening, decision-making and problem-solving skills, patience, empathy, composure, confidentiality, unbiasedness, etc. They blend science and knowledge by mixing scientifically proven psychometric assessments with their profound wisdom of careers to provide a credible suggestion to a client. Before making any recommendations, they research well and always have a set for backup as alternate careers and opinions.
What about the objectives and need for career counselling?
Career counselling benefits students, graduates and working professionals in many ways. It helps an individual to shine in his career life without compromising his dreams and passion. People with career guidance or counselling tend to be more successful, with defined career goals and walk with utmost self-confidence and self-esteem. Let’s see the necessity for career counselling as stated by the Career Counselling Companies in India below.
- Career counselling helps an individual set realistic, achievable, targetable and defined career goals as their life purpose.
- Career counselling enlightens an individual on the availability of different career options and their scopes.
- Career counselling helps practise self-discovery and self-realisation to understand and identify oneself skills and interests.
- Career counselling assists individuals with their doubts regarding higher studies and abroad studies.
- Career counselling helps individuals with their resume-building and interview skills to bad a job effortlessly.
- Career counselling enhances an individual’s overall personality and improvises their self-confidence, self-esteem, self-management levels, etc.
- Career counselling helps individuals practise life, social, personal development and employability skills efficiently.
- Career counselling bridges the gap between skill, knowledge and opportunities to a maximum extent.
In this progressive world, people are toiling to create a place and identity for themselves. Career counselling helps people achieve their dreams and assists them in chasing their passion over chance.
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